
Herräng Dance Camp Scholarship Program 2024

Herräng Dance Camp warmly welcomes as many people as possible into its family. That is why every year we offer this scholarship to people in countries where the financial reality is often significantly different than in Sweden. We aim to rotate the countries every year so that Herräng Dance Camp continues to grow through the richness that diversity brings. Please carefully consider your financial situation before applying; we wish these spots go to individuals who cannot afford to join the camp without this support.

             ✓ Countries for 2024: Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, Poland
             ✓ Full time program at a 50% discount
             ✓ 60 spots (20 per week) – First come first served

It is good to know that if the spots are not filled by 30 April, we will consider applicants from all countries and will, if so, announce this on social media.

Are you from Ukraine?
We would like to offer a Party Pass and accommodation (General Accommodation or a tent spot) for free to all visitors from Ukraine for HDC 2024. Please contact us for this via email at

How to apply

Read the following lines carefully before applying, as there is a lot of key information that will help you make the process as smooth as possible:

1) The Scholarship Program is open. Please note that applications sent before this time and date will not be considered.

2) Send us an email to An individual email; we accept no group applications. Don’t forget to include the following information,

The subject of the email should be: Scholarship
Then include:
             • Full name
             • Street address
             • Email address
             • Telephone number
             • Which week you would like to attend. Each person can only apply for a discount for one week, not multiple weeks.

3) Register for the course of your choice on My Herräng when registrations open. The scholarship application is a separate process. Both the application and the registration need to be completed separately.
            ✓ Any all-week full time classes (except Swing Kids and Swing Teens)
            ✗ Party pass only applications not accepted

4) Once we have received your message, we will respond to you as soon as possible with our confirmation letter and further details on how to proceed.


Keep in mind that all applications must be personal, and once assigned, it will not be possible to be passed on to someone else.

  • You must hold a passport from one of the countries stated above.
  • You must permanently reside in one of the countries stated above.
  • You must be in need of financial support to attend Herräng Dance Camp.


Next Generation Fund and Norma Miller Elders Fund

Next Generation Fund

It's a dream come true often expressed by the Elders—some are still with us, and many have since passed on. If dance camps and festivals were the only options for learning Lindy Hop and vernacular Jazz, we would have lost the genius of its creators. Black Elders often lament not seeing young black dancers emerging with a passion for Lindy. But in truth, it isn’t black dancers' lack of interest—it is a lack of access to inspiration, training, information, and connection.

The Next Generation Project (NGP) is Herrang’s commitment to respond to the Elders’ dream of raising a new generation of vibrant, committed young black American dancers who are well-schooled in the art and its history. NGP aims to strengthen and train its participants in classical Lindy dance technique, surround project participants with American and international mentors, and inspire participants to grow their dance communities while sharing the true history and technique of Lindy Hop and Vernacular Jazz.Herrang, is sponsoring ten NGP participants during Week Two. We thank the Frankie Manning Foundation for sponsoring an additional two.

Participants will be connected to internationally renowned master teachers. Through this shared experience, we sincerely hope they will create bonds of mutual support to sustain them when they return to the US. Participants will have history classes, learn how to negotiate teaching and performing contracts, build this movement in their respective communities, and take daily dance technique classes, culminating in a performance before the whole camp on Friday night. 

Who are the Mentors/Project Coordinators?
Barbara Billups, Breai Mason Campbell, Chester Whitmore,  Denise Minns-Harris, Felix Berghäll, Josette Wiggan, Julia Loving (Frankie Manning Foundation), LaTasha Barnes, Marie N’diaye, Sugar Sullivan and Ursula Hicks.

Your support is vital!
Your financial supporr is vital to the success of this project. NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL. Please help us continue to respond to the Elders' hopes by following there instruction to make your contribution.
For contributions with credit card, please click visit our GoFundMe.
If you prefer to donate directly via our bank, please do so via the designated account for Next Generation Project:

  ✓ To: Herräng Dance Camp AB
   ✓ IBAN: SE1896600000096602108508

For our Swedish residents it is also possible to donate via Swish:

The Next Generation dancers have been identified by master teachers from Europe and American after much discussion. These teachers are highly respected and spend a lot of time teaching across the US as well as the rest of the world.

Your support is treasured and irreplaceable. On behalf of the Elders, Herräng Staff and the Next Generation Participants, thank you.

Meet the Next Generation Class of 2024!
Click on the picture for more information!

More info about the Norma Miller Elders Fund is coming soon!

For further information, please contact our office at