Application form

The staff applications is open now until 15 April 2024!

Missed your Herräng family from last year? Perhaps you attended camp as a participant but now crave a more immersive experience. Or is this your first time ever at Herräng Dance Camp, and you want the full experience? We are in need of hundreds of volunteers, managers and assistants in all departments you can think of, some more unlikely than others. We are looking forward to a new amazing summer in Herräng!

Read what we offer in this year's deal here. Like what you see? Fill out this easy application, but don't delay sending it — remember, we select suitable candidates on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that the deadline for applications will be 15 April 2024. We are thrilled to see both familiar and new faces in this year’s application. Without you, there would be no camp!

We will try to process the applications as soon as possible, but bear with us, we receive hundreds of them and it might take a little time before we are able to return to you. Take into account that any potential managers and supervisors will be contacted directly by our staff coordinators. If you have any questions, feel free to write to

Once you have joined the staff team, we will send you further logistical information (maps, travel arrangements, possible payment solutions, packing lists, etc.), that pertains to your time working together with us.

By registering for services through My Herräng and/or attending the event in any capacity, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the camp.


More amenities

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Herräng Dance Camp is indeed an everlasting hub of dance and music, and to keep the magic alive, we offer a diverse range of food options at camp. Keeping our bodies fueled and healthy is key! Our food facilities accept both SEK and card:


Herräng Dance Camp is indeed an everlasting hub of dance and music, and to keep the magic alive, we offer a diverse range of food options at camp. Keeping our bodies fueled and healthy is key! Our food facilities accept both SEK and card:


Various types of showers are available at the camp.

  • Communal showers
    The School Area residents use the gym showers, which resemble typical sports premises communal showers and are separated by gender. Additional communal showers can be found in the Folkets Hus area for those staying at the Woodside private accommodation rooms. These are perfect for when you run out of shampoo or when you need help with your clothes and your friends are nowhere to be found!
  • Private showers
    However, if you are not keen on sharing the space with other people, you can also find some private showers – they are located in the back of Pavilion in the School Area, the Woodside building and at the Marina general accommodation building.

Are you all showered and hyped for the evening, but your favourite shirt is all wrinkled? Do not fret, you should be able to find an iron or two in the hallways of the School Area. Please take good care of them, as many people depend on them to look their best every day!


If your legs are feeling a bit heavy, there is nothing better to ease your muscles than to spend some time in the traditional Swedish saunas. The main one is located in a red building in the School Area, but there is another one in the Marina area – remember to prebook the latter if you want to use it. The timetable includes female-only, male-only, and mixed time slots.

Pamper yourself

Do you want to fix your hair or makeup? The red sauna building in the School Area also offers a room by the entrance with a mirror where you and your friends can get ready for the evening.